Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Just Some Randomness

To start off this random post. I post a random ??? is randomness
a word? Just asking.
Now on to one random post.
Last night me, Megan and that mad Mama Monster
Jackie head on down to Kaysville theater to see
Julie and Julia

This is my ever so wanted and highly waited for review.

It made me hungry!!!!

I know very thought out, but it did and not just hungry but hungry for burscheta (not sure I spelled that right).

So after I am done with this post I will be eating some. Oh and just so you know all three

of us gals thought that it was long but that might be because it was, but also because we went to the 9:30 pm show and I am a old pregnant lady and that Meg and Jackie O have been crafty into the wee hours of the morning.

Lucky for us I just happened to have brought these yummy
candy cane truffles from Food of the Gods Chocolate, which went well
with our popcorn. I am loving my deal with the creator of this
amazing chocolate!!! He gets my mad photography skills and I
get to gain even more weight because of his mad chocolate skills!!!

Before the show Justin had his work party, where Milo had

cherry cheese cake for the first time which I am sure you can tell he loves!!

Santa on the other hand, not so much! The candy cane Santa gave him was a big hit!

Now for the last of my random post. This is what I beheld this morning.

I wish the snow would have realised that it was grocery day and that it really
should have been done by the time I had to leave and maybe it could have saved it self for
a day when I could cuddle up in my blanket with a book and hot coco but nope. So thank you snow for choosing the day that I had a billion things to do!!!!!
A few things to look forward to.
  • My advent calender
  • One Amazing master bedroom make over
  • Home made stockings
  • Pictures and some more Pictures


the mama monster said...

i love random post! the movie was good. i told james i need that cookbook now. loved the truffles, love the pictures and can't wait to see more. i too love your deal with brother candy maker!

Megan @ Megity's Handmade said...

Jackie has a lot of love going on. :) I liked the movie, it felt long, but I liked it. The hubby grossed me out when he ate but I thought it was hilarious when he dove right into the cake.
I like your deal with the candy maker too. Yum! Peppermint truffles, popcorn and Butterfingers. Better quickly open that DVD we got today and start exercising!

JustKemistry, our Family, Life and Love