Sunday, March 8, 2009

All of Justin's High Schools Dreams Have Come True

So first off me and Justin ran off to Sugar City Idaho and left our

kids minus Milo with Grandma Thompson. I know what your

thinking what in the world brought you guys all the way up to

Sugar City. Well you'll have to wait just a moment to find out,

because I came home to a sick little Lu Lu. Poor Lauren was so

sick and I swear we left her healthy. All she did was lay around

while the other kids went to Artic Cricle for ice cream cones. She

is still sick and missed church today. She wants to be better so

bad because school is tomorrow. I know strange child, her

brothers and every other child would be milking this to no end, but not Lauren. I almost think
she wishes she could live with the beautiful worlds best teacher Mrs Burton. My Poor Sickly Lauren. In are house being sick doesn't even save you from mom's camera.

So now on to Sugar City and all of Justin's dreams. My husband has been trying for awhile to talk me into getting dirt bikes and needless to say he finally won the debate with you know you'll get new boots right. My girlish eyes saw black leather knee highs and I was sold and then I realized that there not new designer boots but motocross boots. Oh well a new boot is still a new boot. This picture is of me and Milo waiting for Justin to tie up his bike. By the way Milo was perfect even when we were stranded for 2 hrs when we ran out of gas. A big thanks to AAA for their rescue. What a fun adventure.....

This is where we were stranded. It is blurry because I was shaking. It was FREEZING.

Justin and his new love.

Me, I know I know don't mess with me I'm extreme!

Mike just as in love with the bikes as his Dad.

Dallin and ditto..

Our Mama and Papa Bikes......

Thanks for checking in.
JustKemistry, our Family, Life and Love