Thursday, September 24, 2009

Stand up 2 Cancer

This Friday the Northridge Cardinelles are hosting
a "Just stand up 2 Cancer" during half time.
Any one who is battling cancer or has battled, a care giver
or if you want to stand in memory of someone. COME
They are doing a miracle minute, where they are trying to
raise as much money as the can during half time.
All the money will be donated to the American Cancer Society....
And just in case your wondering the game is between the
Go and support this great cause and stay for a great game......
Also tonight I just saw on Whimsey Pixs that
tonight is a concert and silent auction for Suzie....
Suzie has cancer and is leaving behind her husband and almost 5 yr old daughter.
They have no insurance and could use all the help they can get.
This also is at NHS but you can bid on their blog till around 5pm, so if you can't
make it you can still help.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Had my 15 wk check up today and found out that its a
Well let me be clear on this. She is most likely a girl,
but Jed my Dr couldn't get a great look. So most likely a lady.
Watch in 4 wks I'll be all just kidding. Hee Hee.
Now on to names..... Please help!! post any you love or call me, just please help me.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Short or Long

I'm facing the age old ??????? To grow or to cut?
My hair is finally past my shoulders (all be it just).
I am so sick of growing it out but not ready to give up just yet....
then I see cute pixs of short hair or at the store I turn around
to see super cute short hair or Megan goes and gets herself a new
cute short due...... Why is this so hard, why???????
I really want long hair. It's great just pulling it up with out the help of bobby pins.
I can dry and go. It covers up the part of my back I hate.
So please help me Long or Short.
Here are 2 famous people with hair that I love
to help make your decision for me a little easier.
The one of Zooey Deschanel is the one
that popped up when I googled.
The one of Katie Holmes is from a hair blog just
for her and her hair. The link is below the pix.

My hair fate is in your hands. Please be kind.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Chinese Food Wisdom

My Mom sent me out so we could sample the
cuisine of the far east for lunch to day....
I was more than fine with that because she was kind
and payed for my lunch. Love my Mom!!
My fav part is after the meal... No not
the belly ache or head ache I am
sure to have but the fortune cookie with all
of its wisdom
Mine today said that "good luck will shine
down on me". Um yeah love that.
but mostly I loved when Mike walked in picked
up my fortune and said" luck had better shine on me".
Love that kid. Now to go and take the after
Chinese food Tylenol..

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Summer Part 2

Every 2 or 3 years my dad's family holds the
Reynolds Family Reunion.....
It was so much fun seeing all my family on
my dads side... I loved seeing my kids play with my
cousin kids..... Love getting to sit and talk....
Loved the hula hope contest.....
Loved everything about it, but
mostly I loved my Grandma and can you
blame me she is the best Grandma ever.....
So glad that my kids get to see and love her too.....
Here are some photo's enjoy.....

Friday, September 11, 2009

Summer Part 1

Are vacation this year was to...... Northern California!!!!!!
You might of had a hard time guessing that I know because we never go
to the Sacramento area I mean its not like
Justin grew up there or that I spent every summer of my life
there or my parents live there for 6 mths of the year.
So I know total shock. But we love it...
This year to spice things up instead of going to are
normal Sacramento area lake Ranch Sacco, We head to Folsom lake.
Hear are some of the highlights.
Milo= Milo wonder what the dirt and rocks taste like here and
then decided to try some....
He loves water and was mad when it was time to get out....

Lauren= sang and danced and was in lil girl heaven because
the water sparkled like gold.......

Mike= spent most of the time on this tree or jumping off of it....
Also liked the gold in the water but informed me it was only fools gold
and to not be tricked and this is how he knew that......

Dallin= I really only saw Dallin's back because he went snorkeling
with Justin and had his head in the water the entire time......

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Justin (who I love) thought that since Mi!o is now
8 mths he must need his first skateboard!!!!
Mi!o is in heaven !!!
He loves it and pushes it around the house,
then he'll make the tail go up or he'll just try and eat the wheels.

Mi!o also had fruity pebbles for the first time
and it was love at first taste.
Here he is thanking who ever it was that
came up with this flavor explosion.
JustKemistry, our Family, Life and Love